The Affiliating System is 150 years old in India. As the goal of the Nation as well as the student needs is changing drastically, we need to move faster to keep pace with them. An institution can realize its specific, broad, distant goals and immediate objectives only when it can adapt itself to the changing academic environment. This would be possible only through autonomy. Having become autonomous on 12.10.2006 we are able

  • To design curriculum to suit student needs.
  • To produce materials to realize our objectives of producing patriotic citizens whose primary efforts would be towards acquiring current knowledge and skills of Science & Technology and Humanities & Literature
  • To experiment, identify and strengthen new methods of teaching and learning with the help of modern technology
  • To arrive at a fool-proof framework of testing the learners and thereby grade them according to their true merit
  • To promote :
    • a) A multi - dimensional growth of our students' morals that would serve as models to others
    • b) Intellect that would solve existing problems, cater to the present needs and plan a future that would be brightened with the insight of the human brain
    • c) A physique that would be healthy, flexible and strong through exercise and sports, and also neat due to self - respect and personal care
  • To establish and strengthen the tie-up between local bodies, organizations, industries and thereby bridge the gap between theory and practice in our students
  • To cater to the needs of our villages in particular through student community service.
  • To identify more areas where we can concentrate upon to the benefit of the neighbouring society, in particular the Nation and the world at large.
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