The Department of Economics Organized a One day National seminar on Sustainable Development in India: Problems and Progress on October 18th and Dr.S.Puttaswamaiah, Professor, Department of Economics, Bangalore University, Bangalore has delivered the Inaugural Address. we have organized two technical session and the first session Dr.Chelladurai, Head & Assistant Professor, PG Department of Economics, Ambai Arts college, Ambasamudram acted as a resource person. Technical session – II Dr.A.Kannan, Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Economics, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai acted as a Resource Person. This seminar more than 30 colleges in various district and various university’s Participated. More than 25 papers will be presented in session I and session II also. And we have received 120 papers in various colleges Faculty members and Research Scholars and Industrialist.