Activities - (2018-2019)

The Department of Library and Information Science inaugurated its departmental activities by conducting its first Guest Lecture on October 06, 2018. Mr. Arumugam, Librarian, PSG College, Coimbatore, spoke on the need of the hour topic Skills Development. The department has also conducted the second guest lecture on February 05, 2019. Dr. R.R. Saravana Kumar, Librarian, Sadakathullah Appa College, Rahmath Nagar, delivered a talk on Library Cataloguing in the event. The Department of Library and Information Science is a fast growing department with having successfully organizing a Two Day National Level Conference on Enhancing Professional Skills and Traits on July 20 and 21, 2018. Dr. P. Senthil Kumaran, Deputy Librarian, Central University of Kerala; Dr. P. Ganesan, Librarian, Alagappa University, Karaikudi; Dr. K. Ramasamy, Librarian, M.V. Muthiah Government Arts & Science College, Dindigul; Dr. M. Kannan, Librarian, V. O. Chidambaranar College, Tuticorin; Dr. S. Srinivasa Ragavan, Professor and Head, DLIS, Bharathidasan University, Trichy, and Dr. M. Surulinathi, Assistant Professor, Department of Library & Information Science, Bharathidasan University, were the resource persons. The department has established an Internship Programme in association with St. Xavier’s College of Education, Palayamkottai from 23.11.2018 to 02.12.2018. Nearly 10 students benefitted out of these two internship programmes. The department also organized a One-Day Institutional Seminar on March 12, 2019 on Constituting Elements of Research Papers: An Intraview. Dr. K. Ramasamy, Librarian, M.V. Muthiah Government Arts & Science College, Dindigul, was the resource person and nearly 100 PG Students and Research Scholars benefitted from the seminar.

Achievements of the Students in Competitions:

Name of the Student / Class Competition/ Event Prize/ Position Institution/ Organization Date
Mohamed Azarudeen. S National Conference on “Digital Resources and Knowledge Management: Issues and Opportunities for Library Professionals” Best Paper Award Fr. Santiago Library, St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous), Palayamkottai, Tirunelveli 22.02.2019
B. Indria Kumari National Conference on “Digital Resources and Knowledge Management: Issues and Opportunities for Library Professionals” Best Paper Award Fr. Santiago Library, St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous), Palayamkottai, Tirunelveli 22.02.2019

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