Activities - (2019-2020)

The Department of Commerce (Finance) inaugurated its association activities on 08.08.2019 and Dr. M. Julias Ceasar, St.Joseph’s College, Trichy addressed the gathering on the topic, “Digital and Internet Marketing”. The department conducted its first guest lecture on 30.09.2019 titled, “Recent Trends in Mutal Funds”, Dr. G. Balachandar, Kamarajar Govt Arts College, Surandai was the chief guest. The second guest lecture was organized on 24.02.2020 titled, “Effective Qualitives of Excellent Personalities” and Dr. A. Jafar Sathic, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University Constituent College, Sankarankovil was the chief guest.

S.No. Year Title of the Seminar Date Name of the External Expert
9 2020 Insurance For Business Management 11.06.2020 Dr.S.A.Senthil Kumar,
Professor and Head,
Department of Management,
Pondicherry University, Pondicherry

A Webinar was organised by the Department of Commerce Finance on 11.06.2020 with the Resource Person of Dr.S.A.Senthil Kumar, Professor and Head,Department of Management, Pondicherry University, Pondicherry.

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