Activities - (2020-2021)

National Workshop (12/02/2021)

The English Literary Association of the Department of English UG & PG (SF), Sadakathullah Appa College coordinated a guest lecture on 05.08.2019. Dr. A. Xavier Chandra Bose, Associate Professor & Head, Research Department of English, Lekshmipuram College of Arts & Science, was the guest of honour and delivered the a guest lecture on the topic, “Post-Modernism”.

The Post Graduate Department of English, Sadakathullah Appa College organized the One-Day State Level Webinar on 29th May. The resource person, Dr. Raja Govindasamy gave a lecture on “Afro-American Women Poetry”.

The Post Graduate Department of English, Sadakathullah Appa College organized the inauguration of English Literary Association on 12th November 2021 through Google Meet. The resource person Mr. Mariappan elucidated about the works, achievements and the rise of the Winner of the 2021 Booker Prize for Literature, Damon Galgut.

The Post Graduate Department of English, Sadakathullah Appa College organized the Children’s Literature Quiz through Google forms in order to celebrate the National Children’s Day, which encouraged the students to participate actively in the event and all the students received the participation certificate through their respective mail.

Date: 11-12-2021       Time: 4:20 PM          Place: Auditorium

The UG department of English (Unaided), Sadakathullah Appa College coordinated a guest lecture on the occasion of birth anniversary of great Tamil poet Bharathiyar. Prof. Jebaraj Kingsley Zechariah, Assistant Professor, Research Department of English, St. John’s College, was the guest of honour who delivered the inaugural address on the topic, “Gender Equity in Literature.”

Date: 11-12-2021          Time: 4:20 PM          Place: Auditorium

The UG department of English (Unaided), Sadakathullah Appa College organized the inauguration of Literary Association Activities. Mr. S. Garret Raja Immanuel, Assistant Professor of English (Aided), NazerathMargoschis College was the guest of honour who delivered the inaugural address on the topic, “Hermeneutics of Suspicion: Reading between the lines.”

Report on MoU Signed

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between the PG and Research Departments of English of Sadakathullah Appa College (Autonomous), Palayamkottai and St. John's College, Palayamkottai on 11/12/2020. The purpose of this MoU is to facilitate Faculty Exchange, Student Exchange, research coordination, placement drive and the like between the two colleges.

The purpose of the memorandum is to share the knowledge and skills available in both the institutions. The memorandum also allows joint consulting and projects by the English departments of both the colleges. Both the College shall offer research projects to each other. Two experts from St. John's College, Palayamkottai and SadakathullahAppa College, will guide the research projects as and when required.

A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the PG and Research Departments of English of Sadakathullah Appa College (Autonomous), Palayamkottai and Sarah Tucker College, Palayamkottai to enhance teaching and learning process on 25/02/2021. The MoU also ensures Research and Development co-operation between both the institutions.


A Faculty Exchange Program, in connection with the MoU signed between the Departments of English, SadakathullahAppa College (Autonomous) and St. John's College, Palayamkottai, was conducted on 01/11/2021. The program took place offline on St. John's College campus. Dr. Jessika from St. John's College welcomed and briefly introduced the faculty (Dr. P. AbukanibaMeeran) to the students. Dr. P. AbukanibaMeeran, Assistant Professor of English, handled the session on Modern Linguistics for the I MA English students of St. John's College.

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