Sadakathullah Appa College NCC unit

Sadakathullah Appa College has an Advisory Committee to advice on programme planning and development under the Chairmanship of the Principal. It meets once in each quarter and first meeting was held in beginning of the academic year. The Programme Officer is its member secretary. There are six units functioning in the college , the Senior NSS Programme Officer will be the Member-Secretary and the other P.O’s may be co-opted as Members. The P.O. has to maintain the Advisory Committee Minutes book.

DG’s four Cardinal Principles of Discipline

Obey with a smile

Be Punctual

Work hard and without fuss

Make no excuses and tell no lies

The Sadakathullah Appa College NCC Advisory committee Members:

Directorate General Lt General Anurup Chakravarthy7 NCC Directorate’s Head Quarters, New Delhi.
Deputy Directorate General Commodore K S Iyappa Tamilnadu, Pondichery and Andaman and Nicobar Islands’ NCC Directorate, Chennai.
NCC Madurai Group Commander Col Prasad Group Head Quarters, Madurai.
Commanding Officer Lt Col Krishna Nair 5 (TN) BN NCC,Tirunelveli- 627 002.

Our College NCC Unit

Company Commander Lt K Syed Ali Bhadhusha
Senior Under Officer SUO Ajpath Ali
Cadet Under Officer CUO Shahul Hameed
Company Sergeant Major CSM Narayanan
Company Quarter Master Sergeant CQMS Kader Mohideen
Unit Number and Division 4A/7 Senior Division Company, affiliated to 5 (TN)BN NCC , Tirunelveli-627 002
Government authorized Seat 104
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